New study published: Occurrence of and reasons for „missing events“ in mobile dietary assessments: Results from three event-based EMA studies.

How often and why do people miss to log their food when using a mobile food app? Insight from 3 EMA studies assessing how often eating events (meals and snacks) were missed over a period of 8 days in a naturalistic setting by comparing the number of recorded events with the number of normative expected events, over time, and with recollections of missing events show highly stable logging trajectories over time and low rates of missing events. The individual’s actual state and context seemed to exert a greater influence on adherence rates than stable individual differences, which emphasizes the need for a more nuanced understanding of the factors that affect momentary adherence.

Ziesemer, K., König, L. M., Boushey, C. J., Villinger, K., Wahl, D. R., Butscher, S., Müller, J., Reiterer, H., Schupp, H. T., & Renner, B. (2020). Occurrence of and reasons for „missing events“ in mobile dietary assessments: Results from three event-based EMA studies. JMIR mHealth & uHealth, 8(10), e15430.